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Iso Skincare

Nicolette Stathopoulos

Apparently iso skin and maskne are now a thing? Iso skin is when our skin starts to break out after being in isolation or lockdown for a few days or weeks. Maskne is acne that is caused by wearing a face mask or face covering, during the current pandemic.

At the moment Melbourne is in a Stage 4 Lockdown, and there are very little reasons to leave the house. If you are leaving the house it is compulsory to wear a face mask or face covering, unless you are exempt.

According to a few blogs I read recently there is a few factors that come into account when looking for the cause of iso skin. Iso skin could be caused by the following...


We're all feeling the pressure at the moment, so many people around us are dealing with job losses or a decrease in work hours. We're currently under a lot os stress due to the current pandemic and isolation restrictions. It's good to use this time inside to wind down and work on dealing with stress. Try running a warm bath and watching your favourite movie with a herbal tea and scented candle.

Poor Sleeping Routine

Super late nights binging on your favourite Netflix series is becoming the norm. Not having to workout before work, or travel to work means some of us are sleeping a lot later than usual. This combined with stress can lead to a poor sleeping routine and a change in sleeping pattern. Try to stick to a similar sleeping pattern, either going to bed at the same time each night or waking up at the same time. If you're having trouble getting to sleep try reading for 15 minutes before bed, or enjoy a peppermint tea before going to sleep. I also love the Sleep Plus Pillow Spray from This Works, I spray it on my pillow before bed and love it.

Wearing a Mask

Wearing a face mask causes added moisture to the skin areas under the mask. I find it helpful to cleanse my skin straight after taking off my mask when I get home. The sweat and moisture under the mask causes our skin to occasionally break out, this might be why you've noticed more blemishes under where your mask would usually sit.


During isolation and lockdown some of us have been consuming alcohol more regularly than usual, and that's okay! We're all human. More alcohol equals more breakouts for some, it's important to consume in moderation.

Wrong Products

Some of us just haven't found our perfect routine or products that suit our skin. It's all about trial and error, and seeing what works best for your skin. Some products I love do not sit well with my friends' skin, so it's important to introduce new products slowly and see that they work well with your skin before committing to them in a routine.

A few ways to beat iso skin include

- Drinking more water, keeping hydrated is so important for your skin, I find the more water I drink the better my skin looks and feels

- Less sugar, I find for myself an increase in sugar in my diet causes my skin to break out

- Eating more fruit and veg- adding nutritious ingredients into your diet will definitely reflect on your skin

- Exercise- get your body moving, even if its just for a quick walk up the street

- Cleanse- clean your skin after wearing a mask or after being out for the day. Make sure you're using the right cleanser for your skin, I always double cleanse, especially if I'm wearing make up or SPF

- Meditate- find time to work on your mind, it is so important to stay positive during these restrictive times. I love the app Smiling Mind, I use the night time meditations to help get to sleep

Here are some of the products that I am loving to keep my iso skin at bay

I am obsessed with this cleanser since I got it a few weeks ago. It has a cleansing oil on one side which melts into your hands, and a cleansing cream on the other side. They are meant to be used as a double cleanse, cleansing with the oil/balm first and then the cream. I use a hot wet towel to remove each cleanse, and find it so relaxing to take off my SPF at the end of the day.

I love this clay mask from Kiehl's, I feel like I've had a facial from a spa after using it. I find it really helps with the appearance of my pores, even after just one use.

If I could only have one skincare product in my drawer it would be this. It makes my skin feel so soft in the morning, and deeply cleanses my pores. This is a stronger serum, so I'd recommend starting small and once or twice a week with this one. This is an exfoliating serum which is meant to resurface the skin and leave you with a radiant complexion. It has a blend of AHA and BHA which lifts away dead skin cells, unclogs pores and fades pigmentation. It is a little on the more expensive side, but trust me a little bit goes a long way, and it will last you a long time.

Trust me your hands will thank you later! My hands have never felt softer in lockdown since this purchase. The hand balm is rich with skin softening properties and beautiful woody aromas. The hand wash includes little particles of Pumice (volcanic rock) which help to physically exfoliate the skin, as well as lactic acid to chemically exfoliate. After sanitising your hands a hundred times a day or washing them with harsh soaps it's nice to treat your hands to a little hydration at the end of the day.

I had this cream gifted to me at the start of Melbourne's first lockdown and wow I was amazed. I have been using this cream as a spot treatment, if I feel like my skin is about to break out I put a little bit on the affected areas. Or if a breakout does occur on my skin I put this on it overnight, and it's almost gone by the morning.

This is a divine oil which really sinks into my skin and hydrates it. I put this on at night after serums, and wake up with plum and moisturised skin. It includes ten plant and nut oils which are perfectly blended to fight against fine lines, dryness and inflammation.

I wear this cream everyday, regardless of if I'm going to work, the supermarket or for a walk. Regardless of what your day entails, you should be wearing SPF, you'll thank me for it one day. I put this on after any serums, or before make up, if I am wearing any that is. I also love this under make up because it doesn't leave my face feeling sticky or greasy after applying my make up on top of it.

I have been loving this moisturiser in lockdown. It is thick, rich and creamy, leaving my face super hydrated and plump. At first I thought it was just a gimmick and that I'd been sucked into online advertising. But after using it a few times, especially during the winter months, I've felt it has been super hydrating on my skin. The Charlotte Tilbury website delivers to Australia, and they often have sales on or good bundle deals.

I'm sure we're all guilty of picking at a pimple or blemish a little too much, and caused it to create scarring. The Sunday Riley retinoid serum has helped reduce scarring on my face, by fading blemish scars in almost a week. This is a strong serum, so again please test before committing to this in your routine.

I have been on the hunt for the perfect hydrating lip balm for so long, and I think I have finally found the best one. I have been using this for a few weeks now and have never felt my lips feel more hydrated. Most balms I've tried just sit on the surface of my lips and don't actually fix them from being cracked and dry. But after using this a few times, along with using a lip scrub, my lips have been loving it.

I hope you all love learning about some of the products I like to use, and how I'm keeping my skin healthy during lockdown and isolation. These recommendations are based off what I use, and what works well with my skin. I am not a doctor or a skin specialist, so please use what works best for you. Enjoy xx

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